Tank Eductor Application Sheet IN-TANK MIXING OR HEATING - eductors.net Company Name:(Required)Name(Required) Phone(Required)Email(Required) TYPE OF APPLICATIONPlease Select Your Application(Required) Tank Mixing Tank Heating Medium:(Tank Contents)Flow Rate:Assumed to be GPM. Specify if otherwise.Pressure:Assumed to be PSIG. Specify if otherwise. See Note 1Turnover Time (Minutes):Viscosity (Centipoise):Specific Gravity:Steam Pressure:Assumed to be PSIG. Specify if otherwise. See Note 1Steam Flow Rate (#/HR):Working Volume (Gallons):Heating Time:Assumed to be Minutes. Specify if otherwise.Initial Temperature:Assumed to be °F. Specify if otherwise.Desired Final Temperature:Assumed to be °F. Specify if otherwise.Note 1: All pressures are assumed to be present at the eductor’s connection. Be sure to allow for friction losses in the motive piping [i.e. fittings and vertical rises].TANK SHAPE CHOICESTank Shape Square or Rectangle Upright Cylinder Horizontal Cylinder Sphere Diameter:Assumed to be in Feet. Specify if otherwise.Length:Assumed to be in Feet. Specify if otherwise.Width:Assumed to be in Feet. Specify if otherwise.Height:Assumed to be in Feet. Specify if otherwise.Capacity:Assumed to be in Gallons. Specify if otherwise.Prefered Inlet ConnectionThreaded NPTFlanged 150# RF ANSIFlanged 300# RF ANSIPrefered Construction Material:Carbon SteelDuctile Iron316SSBronzePolypropylenePVDF (Kynar)PVCComments:Upload Support File(s) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 100 MB. CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Scan to visit/share this page